It remains a puzzle

How to land? Last night, in the dark of 16L, everything looked perfect. I gently bought the A320 into a nice flare, and was rewarded with an OK, but harder than I wanted, landing. It was safe. Many would say it was good. But I was disgruntled. I can do better. Often the final touch-down remains a puzzle to me.

Today I watched some early 1970’s US TV. Strongly influenced by Bruce Lee, the show Kung Fu featured a fictional monk trained at the Shaolin Temple in China who wandered around the American Wild West kicking bad guy butt.

This short YouTube clip is instructive:

Caine: “I think of nothing but to be one with the target.

Cowboy: “You think I’m gonna believe that? How can you see what you’re shooting at in the dark?

Caine: “Watch my eyes.

[Caine hits the target with his eyes closed]

Cowboy: “How’d you do that?!

Caine: “I do not do it. It is not done.

Cowboy: “What do you mean ‘It’s not done’?

Caine: “It is only experienced. It happens.

Cowboy: “It happens?

Caine: “The pole, the arrow, the bow are all one. Not many things. Not different things. One.

Cowboy: “Well I see it, but I sure don’t understand it.

Caine: “Good.

Cowboy: “Why is it good?

Caine: “It remains a puzzle. When you cease to strive to understand, then you will know without understanding.


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