Growing up as a pilot

Flying magazine has a great article in the current (June) issue by John Zimmerman, ‘Growing up as a pilot: Transitioning from fear to mastery’. The last paragraph is:

“Done properly, the relentless pursuit of flying mastery can transform aviation from a hobby into a life-changing commitment. Understanding how your mind works, confronting risk and pushing yourself to learn new skills aren’t easy, but neither is growing up nor raising kids. Major life events — and flying definitely qualifies — often force you to confront who you really are, understand your fears and conquer your weaknesses.”

Old pilot

I want to grow up as a pilot!

John is Vice President of Sporty’s Pilot Shop’s Catalog Division, and has written for Air Facts online. This Flying article isn’t online, so it might be worth heading to a store to pick up the magazine.

You’re never done growing as a pilot. It’s a journey.”


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