Ageless aviator wisdom

AOPA Pilot magazine magazine has a great article by Dave Hirschman in the April edition about the Mavericks, four Florida pilots who fly formation aerobatics together. They are mostly in their mid-70’s. With long backgrounds in all kinds of flying. Ageless aviators with wisdom to spare:

Just like artists or musicians, we’re constantly striving to master our craft, to try new things, to improve.

Bob Gandt, 75, US Navy, Pan Am & Delta.

I still get a rush of adrenaline whenever we fly.

Ron Keilin, 78, thirty-five years of airshow aerobatic experience.

Photography by Chris Rose, AOPA
Photography by Chris Rose, AOPA

No two flights are exactly the same. And what you did on your last flight doesn’t mean anything for the next one. There are always ways to improve and more to learn. We pursue perfection, but no one ever quite attains it.

Ron Keilin

Don’t be impressed by total flying hours. Some of the worst pilots I ever flew with were senior airline captains with tens of thousands of hours of flight time.

Bob Gandt

Photography by Chris Rose, AOPA.
Photography by Chris Rose, AOPA.

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